Inverted Row

30/6 - 8/7/20 by Muhammad Amir Ayub

Still training with deload numbers that feel like usual training numbers at the moment. Key areas of weakness: grip, vertical pulling and pushing, quads. And I’m severely sore after all sessions, making recovery before the next session an issue. I’ve been going back to consistently take my magnesium/vit c, and the good side is that it has “fixed” my insomnia to becoming “need super amounts of sleep”.

Deadlift: No changes
DL - up to 3 x 127.5 kg x 5
Power clean - 60 kg x 3, with reverse lunges (2 each leg)
Pushup plank with alternating elbow touches, 10 kg on back - 3 x 26

Bench: No changes
BP - up to 3 x 67.5 kg x 5
Inverted Rows on Smith Machine - 3 x 13, 2 x 12 (I think). TRX decommissioned for now as it stands in the way of COVID-related distancing in the gym
Standing DB Press - 5 x 10 x 16 kg. Failed some reps on the left side

Squat: Did better by completing what I intended to do
Squat - up to 5 x 90 kg x 5
Single Leg Deadlifts - 3 x 15 x 20 kg
Side Planks with 8 kg DB External Rotations - 3 x 5 sec each side

Military Press: Was extremely sore after squatting and tried to push in a session the next day for scheduling reasons. Bad idea. Fucked up the pullups badly.
Pullups - 3 x 5, 3 x 4, 1 x 3
Standing DB Press - 7 x 16 kg x 5
Lat pulldown Iso Holds - 3 x 20 (?)


19-26/6/2018) by Muhammad Amir Ayub

5/3/1 week.

I'm officially driven into the ground by stuff outside of the gym; the gym really is my sanctuary at the moment when I'm away from everyone and block out everything. I've still maintained my weight around 90 kg. My aim during deload is to get my recovery back on tract and try to reestablish myself walking back home from work now that the fasting month is over (I did all I could to preserve my body water during fasting month).

I may be smiling outside but there are definitely inner (and probably outside demons) I'm dealing with as well.

DL - up to 200 kg x 1
Power clean - 72.5 kg x 3
Pistols - 3 x 10
Pushup plank with alternating elbow touches, 10 kg on back - 3 x 22

BP - up to 107.5 kg x 1
TRX Inverted Rows - 1 x 11, 4 x 10
Standing DB Press - 4 x 10, 1 x 9 x 16 kg

Squat: I was really short on time. Just in and out with an extra rep.
Squat - up to 143.5 kg x 2

Military Press: I was really battling the lows on this day. And didn't have enough time.
Pullups - 8 x 6 (that last set was ugly)
Military Press - up to 67.5 kg x 1
Weighted Push Up - 1 x 12 x 10 kg

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