Bench Press

19-27/11/20 by Muhammad Amir Ayub

Had a bit of free time but not much rest: that’s how you fill the free time right? So I decided to add an extra session just to focus on doing some needed shoulder external rotation work.

Deadlift - Up to 5 x 127.5 kg x 5

Bench press - Up to 3 x 67.5 kg x 5
TRX inverted row - 5 x 8
Weighted pushups (10 kg) - 5 x 8

Squat - Up to 3 x 90 kg x 3, 1 x 5

Extra day
Side plank with external rotation with 8 kg DB: 3 x 5
Face pulls - Can’t remember the weights on the cable station but was definitely 5 x 10

Military press - Up to 4 x 42.5 kg x 3
Pullups - 7 x 4

24-29/10/20 by Muhammad Amir Ayub

After months of COVID, I finally had an opportunity to have a 4 session training week. I decided to “push” things by testing out new training maxes for my squat and military press, which have not been tested since this period of deconditioning. I omitted accessory work when testing my max for the squat so that I could tolerate testing my max military press which would finish off 3 straight days of lifting; that was how I could fit 4 training days in a week in between work and family commitments. But I was feeling good since I was on leave for much of the week, allowing me to rest and wean myself off a bit from my caffeine dependence.

Deadlift - Up to 135 kg x 7
Plank with alternating elbow touches, 10 kg plate on back - 3 x 20

Bench press - 3 x 5 x 67.5 kg. Basically previous deloading weights
TRX inverted row - 5 x 10
Standing DB press - 5 x 7 x 16 kg

Squat - Tried up to 125 kg x 1. Did not want to be greedy

Military Press - Up to 67.5 kg x 1. Struggled with it and almost failed
Pullups - 2 x 6, 1 x 5, 1 x 4

My hope is to go back to training with these new numbers and restart accessory work.

My first 4 day training week since COVID. Decided to retest my maxes for the squat and MP (which I forgot to record). My full training log is at: https://www...

24/9 - 21/10/20 by Muhammad Amir Ayub

Opportunities have been hard to come by and the duration and intensity of the training "week" reflected that.

Until COVID starts to permanently settle down (with no more lockdowns) I don’t see an end to the struggle to regain all of my lost strength. And since rest has been difficult to get, I haven’t been able to go all out anyways, especially with the long gap between sessions.

And with the lack of exercise, I’ve started getting pain in my right hip and back (again). WTF.

DL - Up to 142.5 kg x 7. Literally called it a night.

BP - UP to 67.5 kg x 5 for 3 sets
TRX Inverted Row - 5 x 10
Standing DB Press with 16 kg DB - 5 x 5

Squat - up to 5 x 90 kg x 5
SLDL with 20 kg DB - 3 x 3

Military Press:
Pullups - 7 x 4
Standing DB Press - 7 x 16 kg x 5