This was a tough week. So many factors went against me performing. Sleep was totally out of whack; I might be sleeping more throughout the week during the day versus night. On the DL day the Malaccan heat really screwed me up. No extra water and rest could do anything to give me a chance at finishing the session. The equipment at OHM was getting even worse in regards to maintenance. The bar and plates were sticking to each other. For a person lifting alone, on my strongest lift, that meant that changing weights was like doing a full set of accessory work. And the bar was rough at the smooth, non-knurled parts; I had to have the bar travel a bit in front as the scraping of my shins hurt.
The results: after a final DL set where I alternated grips (and my left hand still failed on the last rep preventing a good lockout), I decided to call it quits for the day. On the bench I skipped the pause on the bottom for the final set and the bar almost slipped out (felt but not seen). 3 minute rest periods between everything on MP/pullup day. Just a typical push it through period, like it has been for the past year. But this was a bit harder.
3 week.
DL - up to 190 kg x 4-ish
BP - up to 102.5 kg x 4
TRX Inverted Rows - 2x 12, 3 x 11
Standing DB Press - 5 x 10 x 16 kg
Squat - up to 135 kg x 4
Single Leg Deadlifts - 3 x 15 x 20 kg
Side Planks with DB External Rotations - 3 x 10 x 8 kg
Military Press:
Pullups - 8 x 6, 2 x 5
Military Press - up to 62.5 kg x 4
Weighted Push Up - 1 x 12, 2 x 11 x 10 kg
You may have noticed that I am into barefoot training, and my training socks of choice has been those made by Pedestal Footwear. Check out the link below to try out their stuff.