
Dealing With Capitalization of Text on MacOS by Muhammad Amir Ayub

Quick tip here as I deal with real work.

You know how it is when you meet with titles where the capitalization isn’t what you wanted for use? It might be what the particular source wanted for their style, but certainly not consistent with yours. You don’t want to retype things over and over, especially if your bibliography is large.

Woah, all caps there

Woah, all caps there

And here a title in all lowercase

And here a title in all lowercase

Just right click on the selected text…

And select the scenario you want

And select the scenario you want

Now if you want to keep certain words lowercased, you’re still gonna have to do it manually, but you can easily jump forward by using the Option + Arrow Key to jump to the beginning of the next/previous word, then forward delete by using Fn + Delete on a Mac. But it’s still time (and joint) saving.