Blocks for Major Breast Surgery by Dr Woon Kwee Lian (NRAS 2023) by Muhammad Amir Ayub

The following lecture on "Blocks for Major Breast Surgery" was delivered by Dr Woon Kwee Lian from Changi General Hospital, Singapore.

This was delivered during the 2nd National Regional Anaesthesia Symposium (NRAS) 2023. This was held on 4th - 5th March 2023 at the Jen Johor Puteri Harbour Hotel in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Don't forget to subscribe for more upcoming videos from NRAS 2023. If you like the work done for the channel, you may now show your support by buying Super Thanks in YouTube.

Editor: Abrar Mohd Shafie
Executive Producer: ANAKAYUB

Inotropes and Vasopressors in Critical Care (Dr Vimal Varma) by Muhammad Amir Ayub

The above talk by Dr Vimal Varma for the Critical Care Management Course For Non-ICU Doctors was originally delivered online on 31 July 2021. Apologies for the delayed publication.

Do take note (for international viewers) that this course was delivered predominantly in English, with a sprinkling of Malay.

The MY sigRA team would like to thank the organizing team for choosing our platform as the streaming option of choice. The rest of the videos have beeen published in 2021.

As usual, don't forget to subscribe and share!

Post-production: ANAKAYUB

Upper Limb Blocks: Interscalene & Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Blocks by Muhammad Amir Ayub

The following lecture on "Upper Limb Blocks: Interscalene & Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Blocks" was delivered by Dr Farah Aqilah Abdul Mutalib for the Hospital Melaka Regional Anaesthesia CME.

Don't forget to subscribe for more upcoming videos from the channel.

Recording setup and post-production: ANAKAYUB